Hearing Seventh Chords

Purpose: Learn to recognize the various types of seventh chords: dominant seventh, minor seventh, half-diminished seventh, diminished seventh, and major seventh.

Difficulty: Two levels: root position seventh chords and inverted seventh chords, plus a practice level in which you can choose the chords you want to work with. Both levels are only moderately difficult, since you are not required to identify the inversions. In the practice level you can choose to identify the inversions, which would raise the difficulty level to advanced. Points are not counted in the practice level.

How it works:

A chord will sound, played either arpeggiated (one note at a time) or with all the notes together. Select your answer from the given chord choices. You can play notes on the screen piano to help with your answer, and you can hear the chord again as often as you wish. To hear the chord again press the "Play" button at the top of the screen.

If you make a mistake the program will display both chords in staff notation, with your choice below the right one. You can use the "Hear your choice" button to compare the two.

The program will gradually work through various pairs as you show mastery of their differences. It may present, for example, a seventh chord fully diminished for comparison with one half-diminished. After you've shown success with each distinction it will arrive at the point of mingling all the various sevenths, so that you may be hearing any of them.

To enter Practice Mode touch "Practice" at the top of the screen. Points are not counted in practice mode and you can choose the chords you want to learn. You can also choose whether you want to hear the chords played melodically or harmonically or whether to allow inversions. To bring up the practice window again touch "Change practice choices" above the selection boxes. To leave practice mode touch "Exit Practice" at the top of the screen.

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